Project Description

RMR and weight cutting
Combat sport athletes will often be required to cut weight. Unfortunately, many of them do this without having assessed their physical and physiological capacity to do so. This leads to athletes under eating during some of their most intense periods of training. This can lead to a myriad of health issues stemming from the concept of relative energy deficit in sport (RED-S). RMR testing can act as one important step to assessing the calorific needs of combat sport athletes while assisting them with safer weight cuts.
**Altius Performance do not work with athletes for the sole purpose of weight cutting. Our expertise lies within metabolic conditioning and bioenergetics, we are not performance nutritionists. However, we can point athletes in the right direction to ensure they get to work with experts in the field of performance nutrition and weight loss. We are happy to provide the data relating to the resting metabolic rate for any consultation between an athlete and their performance nutritionist.**
Fuelling for training and performance
Being adequately fuelled for training and for a performance is paramount. Unfortunately many athletes don’t pay enough attention to the concept of energy availability. Energy availability is all about consuming the right amount of energy rich food to ensure that you are fuelling right for training and for performance. The calorie is the unit of measurement for energy intake and energy expenditure.
To ensure that athletes are consuming enough calories a resting metabolic test is employed. The resting metabolic rate is the amount of calories needed for the body to simply function. This measurement differs from person to person and acts as a benchmark for establishing the required amounts of calorie intake for adequate energy availability, or the amount of calories required to fuel your training and your performance.